All-Energy 2019 and Dcarbonise open for registration
26th March 2019

All-Energy, the UK’s largest renewable and low carbon energy exhibition and conference, and the new Dcarbonise event will be held at Glasgow’s SEC on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May. Free registration for all elements of the two-day event is now open at for all with relevant business/professional interests.

All-Energy and Dcarbonise Event Director, Jonathan Heastie explains:

“All-Energy focuses on its renewable power heritage with a large exhibition hall packed with innovative solutions for the challenges facing every sort of renewable energy development at home and overseas. As ever, the buzz, the enthusiasm and the sense of business being done will be tangible. Dcarbonise, with its strap line ‘a carbon-neutral future stars here’, is Scotland’s only dedicated event for low-carbon built environment and transport solutions. Sponsored by the Scottish Government, Energy Saving Trust and Zero Waste Scotland, it is aligned to the Scottish Government’s Energy Efficient Scotland programme. Dcarbonise focuses on the solutions and advice needed to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings and generating low carbon heat.”

The All-Energy conference will feature streams or sessions on all forms of renewable energy as well as energy systems, the grid, energy storage, hydrogen, finance and funding, community and local energy and much more. Energy efficiency in the built environment, low carbon heat, the circular economy, low carbon transport, decarbonising of industry, carbon capture and storage, and ‘the net-zero challenge’ all appear under the Dcarbonise conference ‘umbrella’.

Further information at and